TRANSIT by Little Tienda
Transit means “journey,” and saying you're "in transit" means you're on your way somewhere. If people or things are in transit, they are travelling or being taken from one place to another, the act or fact of passing across or through; passage from one place to another. Little Tienda creates pieces that move with you, where ever you are going, we are all constantly going somewhere - even if it is in our minds. We encourage you to dress for the adventure you dream of every day, wear the clothes that transport you to a state of mind that fills your heart with joy. TRANSIT is a way of being.
- Asa | Transit Stripe$280.00 AUD
- Benny Tee | Choc Waffle$120.00 AUD
- Benny Tee | Transit Stripe$120.00 AUD
- Bill Pant | Transit Check$280.00 AUD
- Britta | Maps$320.00 AUD
- Elvira | Choc Waffle$240.00 AUD
- Layla Blouse | Maps$180.00 AUD
- Lottie | Transit Stripe$280.00 AUD
- Martha Mini | Maps$300.00 AUD
- Molly | Transit Stripe$340.00 AUD
- Neha Dress | Transit Check$320.00 AUD